Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Discovering new things...

Craig took this video Sunday - Parker seems to have gotten her fingers caught in one of the bugs that make noise on her bouncy seat. We thought this was pretty funny. She loves talking to them, but I don't think she knew what to do when she finally caught one...

Monday, October 19, 2009

3 Months Old!

Parker will be 3 months old this week (13 weeks), and she's really growing and changing. At her 2 month appointment, she was at 12 lbs, 1 1/2 ounces and 22 3/4 inches long...jumping from the 20th percentile to 90th in weight, from 55th to 75th in length. I just weighed her with me last week and she's already over 14 lbs. I had to go buy her some 3-6 month sleepers and long-sleeved onesies since most of her 0-3 month ones were getting pretty snug. She also went up a size in diapers...so exciting!!

She's still sleeping and eating really well - we're in the middle of trying to get her on a schedule, so that's always fun...a lot of trial and error at this point, but I feel like we're pretty close. I figured if I was working, I'd need to get her into some kind of a routine, and I think it'll be good for both of us!

Craig and I took Parker on her first trip back to Dallas and had a great time. It was so nice to spend the week with family and friends, and Parker was really good the whole time. She slept better on the road than she does here ;o)!! As you can see from the pictures, she was quite a hit with everyone she met. And on the video, you can see she's found her tongue...likes to stick it out at mom and dad quite a bit (I apologize for the poor filming - I'm still figuring this stuff out)! We head back to the doctor the week of Thanksgiving for the 4-month check-up, so I'll try to post those results before our trip back to Dallas for the holiday. Can't believe it's almost November already!!!